Kimberly Holbert
Feb 28, 2021
Why and how we should embrace cravings
Embrace cravings? Really?! Hear me out! If we fear our cravings, this is going to sound like the opposite of what we “should” do. Believe...
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Kimberly Holbert
Dec 20, 2020
How to save yourself from fast food suicide
The "fast food" revolution is killing us. The Standard American Diet (SAD) is a set up for failure. With about 60% of the diet coming...
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Kimberly Holbert
Jul 8, 2020
Happy gut happy butt: how your microbiome runs the show.
Let's take 5 minutes to nerd out and talk about all the little bugs keeping us healthy in our gut.
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Kimberly Holbert
May 29, 2020
Fast food survival guide: how to eat out without freaking out
We've all been there. You're running late. You left your lunch at home. You're hangry. Here are some fail proof tips to not freak out!
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